Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Cool Colors Custom Press

Ah... two gorgeous cool colored palettes. We finally received the package from thebodyneeds. Turns out they didn't actually drop off the package till almost a week later. Nonetheless, they sent an extra pigment sample of Marine Blue. Did TBN ever do that before? Also all 16 jars were 3g, not 5g like their previous shipments. I pressed the final 2 and repressed 4 that I wasn't 100% happy about (call me a perfectionist with high standards). I love how this MUA/ST member went with blue green colors and purpley colors, aside from Dazzleray which it flows right in. Her testimonials: "... omggggggg....i love the quads *drools* i bow to you now! qiqiqiqiqiq :D these are my first MAC quads! and custom made....." - Cisca (Netherlands)

Deep Blue Green, Aire De'Blue, Golden Olive, Teal. Dazzleray, Cornflower, Violet, Pinked Mauve.

Deep Blue Green, Aire De'Blue, Golden Olive, Teal

Deep Blue Green, Aire De'Blue

Professional Black Labels

Dazzleray, Cornflower, Violet, Pinked Mauve

Pinked Mauve, Cornflower

Violet, Pinked Mauve


  1. You must post a picture of ''Deep Blue Green, Aire De'Blue, Golden Olive, Teal'' being worn heather!

  2. I have Deep Blue Green, Golden Olive, and Teal, but not Aire De'Blue. :) Sounds like a nice combination though. This was a custom press for someone else. Haven't done an EOTD in forever!

  3. HI i was wondering if you press pigments as a business and if yes can you assist me ?



  4. Hi! Sorry I just saw your message now. You can purchase Pressed Like Shadow pigments from:
